Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Feast of the Baptism of Lord Jesus: January 12, 2025


First Reading : Isaiah 42: 1 to 4 and 6 to 7

Second Reading: Acts 10: 34 to 38 

Gospel Reading: Luke 3: 15 to 16 and 21 to 22

   *First reading is from the book of  Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah speaks about the servant of the Lord God, who will be instrumental in bringing justice and peace to the people of God. This prophecy of Isaiah finds its fulfilment in Jesus, the servant of God, who opens the eyes of the blind and liberates the oppressed people and those under the power of darkness. 

   *Second reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. St. Peter testifies to the people of Jerusalem that Jesus was sent by God to preach the good news of peace to the people in Galilee and in Judea. After being baptized by John the Baptist, He was anointed by the Holy Spirit to do the works of healing and to free those oppressed by the evil powers. 

Baptism by the Holy Spirit and with fire.                                                            Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. John the Baptist testifies to the mission of Jesus. The baptism of Jesus by John at the river Jordan is highlighted. When we read the Gospel story, we see what is happening to Jesus. Jesus has lined up like many others in front of John the Baptist. He steps inside the water when His turn comes. After a brief conversation with John, He receives baptism from John. After the baptism, Jesus steps outside the water like all the others. Then Luke reports: "Now when all the people had been baptized, and while Jesus after His own baptism is at prayer, heaven opens and Holy Spirit comes down." A voice from heaven proclaims: "Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Hence, the voice from heaven affirms that Jesus is the Son sent by God the Father who always does what is pleasing to the heavenly Father. Gospel also says that the Spirit descends on Jesus in the bodily shape of a dove. The presence of the Spirit is visible just as that Spirit would be visible in all that Jesus says and does. The baptism of Jesus gives us the following messages: 1. Jesus identifies Himself with the sinful humanity although He is sinless. 2. Jesus totally submits Himself to the will of the heavenly Father. 3. God the Father approves the ministry of Jesus by empowering Him with the power of the Holy Spirit. Our baptism is very much related to the baptism of Jesus. For us, baptism is a door and as we go through this door, our lives are never the same. Most of us were baptized when we were infants and did not really understand the depth, the meaning and its significance at the time of our baptism. By our baptism, we become members of God's community. Hence, by baptism we are choosing a life like that of Jesus. Like Jesus, by our baptism, we too become sons and daughters of the heavenly Father. At baptism, we too are anointed by the Holy Spirit. As Jesus was baptized to fulfil the will of God, we too are invited to do the same by living our baptismal promises. Those promises should be the guiding principles for the rest of our lives. St. Paul in his letter to Galatians says: "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." (Galatians 3:27) May the heavenly Father bless you and announce that, "This is my beloved son/ beloved daughter in whom, I am well pleased." Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph January12, 2025. Thanks.)

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