Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity: A: June 4, 2023

 THE THREE PERSONS AND ONE GOD : God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

First Reading: Exodus 34: 4-6 and 8-9

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13

Gospel Reading: John 3: 16-18

   *First reading is from the book of Exodus. Moses goes to Mount Sinai and meets the Lord God there. The Lord God forgives the people of Israel their sins of idolatry. He reveals Himself to Moses on the mountain. He shows Himself as a God of kindness and compassion and as the one who is always faithful to the covenant  He made with the chosen people, in spite of their unfaithfulness. Moses accepts the Lord God's covenant and implores forgiveness and mercy for the sins of the people of Israel. 

   *Second reading is from the second letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul, in his concluding message, exhorts the Christian community at Corinth and all of us to live in peace, harmony and in love. He also gives a trinitarian blessing for the people. This blessing of Paul is often used in the liturgy of the Church. Hence, Paul emphasizes the importance of the Holy Trinity in our lives. 

The great mystery of the Most Holy Trinity                                                        Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. God's unending love for humankind and His promise of eternal life to everyone who believes in His Son Jesus is mentioned. Before the Ascension of Jesus to heaven, He promises His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of truth- to guide them to all truth. God the Father speaks to us through His beloved Son. He continues to speak to us through the Holy Spirit. The trinitarian God points to a community of love. The Most Holy Trinity actualizes as the creative love of the Father, the redemptive love of the Son and the sanctifying love of the Holy Spirit. Hence, the Most Holy Trinity is not a puzzle but a relationship of love. In God the Father we recognize the one in whom we live and move and have our very being. In God the Son we recognize the one who is the way, the truth and the life. In God the Holy Spirit we recognize the one who helps us to pray and the one who guides us in our life journey. To understand the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity - one God and three persons - is not easy for us as humans. We need the divine grace and the inspiration to go into the depth of this mystery. Thus the feast of the Most Holy Trinity teaches us the following: 1. The Most Holy Trinity is a divine mystery revealed by Jesus Himself. 2. God's unending love for the humankind is expressed through this mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Feast of Pentecost : A: May 28, 2023


First Reading: Acts 2: 1-11

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7 and 12-13

Gospel Reading: John 20: 19-23

   *First reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. A description about the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on the day of Pentecost is given. The immense power of the Holy Spirit is manifested by the mighty wind, powerful sound and tongues as of fire. As a result of the descending of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles who were timid and frightened after the death of Jesus on the cross, become bold and courageous. Moreover, they preach openly in various languages. The Holy Spirit is able to overcome barriers erected by humans - barriers of language, barriers of nationality, race and creed- and the Spirit reaches out to everyone on that Pentecost day. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul explains the various gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Christian community at Corinth and to us. Different gifts are given to different people for the service of the community. Paul reminds us that all of us are members of the one body of Christ and we are baptized in the same Spirit. 

Empowering of the disciples                                         Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. A vivid account of how the risen Lord appears to the disciples who are frightened and disheartened by the death of Jesus is narrated. He gives them joy and peace as gifts and encourages them and strengthens their weak faith by appearing to them in His risen and glorified form. He instructs them about their mission and sends them to all corners of the world. His mission and that of the disciples is to do the will of the heavenly Father. The risen Lord breaths on them and gives them the Holy Spirit who empowers them. Further, Jesus gives them authority and power to proclaim the Word of God. With the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day, the power from above is given to them so that they are able to witness to the risen Lord powerfully. Hence, the feast of Pentecost invites us to become aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It tells us to live a life filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit : Love, peace, joy, forgiveness and a sense of divine mission. The feast of Pentecost gives us the following messages: 1. The Apostles  experienced the power of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. 2. The risen Lord is the source of their empowerment through the Holy Spirit. 3. We are able to do great things and witness to the Lord fearlessly when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. 4. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit and by His gifts we become effective bearers of the good news to all peoples, breaking all man-made barriers of language, nationality, race and religious beliefs. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Feast of Ascension : A: May 21, 2023


First Reading: Acts 1: 1-11

Second Reading: Ephesians 1: 17-23

Gospel Reading: Matthew 28: 16-20

   *First reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. St. Luke gives us a brief description of Jesus' meeting with His disciples after His resurrection. Jesus instructs them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit and to witness to Him in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. As they are talking to Him, Jesus is lifted up to heaven. A cloud takes Him out of their sight. The ascension of Jesus, narrated by St. Luke, strengthens our faith in the risen Lord and encourages us to go forward in faith.

   *Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Ephesians. Paul tells the Ephesian Christian community and us the meaning and the significance of the ascension of Jesus. He explains that God by raising Jesus from the dead has given Him authority and power to rule over the whole world. With His ascension, Jesus is the head of the Church and of the whole world. Those who believe in Him will accomplish great things. 

All authority in heaven and on earth is given to Jesus                                                           Today's Gospel reading is from St. Matthew. The ascension of Jesus is narrated in great details. On a mountain in Galilee, Jesus gives instructions to His disciples who were gathered there. He tells them that all authority in heaven and on earth is given to Him by God the Father. He instructs them to go to the whole world and to make disciples. They are told to baptize the believers, 'In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. He promises them that He will be with them till the end of the world. Thus the ascension of Jesus is the assurance that Jesus will be will be with His disciples to guide them at all times. The feast of Ascension gives us the following messages: 1. The risen Lord is now in His heavenly glory seated at the right hand of God the Father. 2. Jesus assures us that after His ascension, He will send the Holy Spirit to guide us. 3. He promises us that even after being ascended into heaven, he will continue to be with us till the end of the world - by the Word of God and by His presence in the Holy Eucharist. 4. Jesus' ascension gives us the firm hope that (one day) those who believe in Him will participate in His heavenly glory.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Sixth Sunday of Easter: A: May 14, 2023


First Reading: Acts 8: 5-8 and 14-17

Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:  15-18

Gospel Reading: John 14: 15-21

   *First reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. A detailed account of the mission journey of Apostle Philip to Samaria is narrated. Philip proclaims the Word of God and the Samaritans receive the good news with great joy and enthusiasm. Many signs and wonders are manifested among the believers. Peter and John too go to Samaria and pray for the new converts and the Samaritans receive the Holy Spirit with great fervor. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Peter. Peter urges the Christian community to defend their faith with gentleness and reverence. He exhorts them to suffer for doing right in the eyes of God and not to indulge in any wrongdoings. He gives the great example of Christ Himself who died for the sins of all humankind. They too should be ready and willing to accept all sufferings for the sake of Christ our Lord. 

The Father will give you another Counselor                                                    Today's Gospel reading is from the Gospel of St. John. This is a part of the farewell discourse of Jesus to His disciples before His death on the cross. During the discourse, Jesus explains to them that to love Him is to keep His commandments and the one who loves Him will be loved by the heavenly Father which is a true manifestation of the love of Jesus. Further, Jesus assures His disciples of His continued presence among them through the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit indwelling within us who makes us experience the love of Jesus in our lives and helps us to be true followers of the Lord. Only the Holy Spirit can truly effect transformation in our lives. The teachings of Jesus are summarized in the commandment of love which is an expression of a disciple's total way of life. To live this commandment of love we need the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus further instructs us about the indwelling presence of Himself and the Father. Hence today's Gospel gives us the following messages: 1. To love Jesus is to keep His commandment. 2. Jesus promises to be with His disciples through the gift of the Holy Spirit. 3. Jesus assures the disciples that the one who keeps the commandment will experience the indwelling presence of Jesus and the Father. 

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quiet, absolute and final way." - Pedro Arrupe SJ

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Fifth Sunday of Easter: A: May 7, 2023


First Reading: Acts 6: 1-7

Second Reading: 1 Peter 2: 4-9

Gospel Reading: John 14: 1-12

   *First reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. The Apostles are busy in preaching the Word of God and spending time in prayer. Hence, they choose and ordain seven devout men to take care of the charitable works of the community. By appointing more members for the service of the community, the Apostles share their responsibilities and take care of the needs of the growing community of believers in the Lord.

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Peter. Peter reminds the Christian community and us that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood and a people set apart to sing the praises of God. He invites everyone to come to Jesus the living stone which was rejected by men but chosen by God. Jesus is the one who is precious in the sight of God. 

He who has seen me has seen the Father                                                         Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. Jesus explains to His beloved disciples His intimate and close relationship with the Heavenly Father. During the discourse, Jesus clarifies some of their fears and doubts. He explains to them the following: 1. The disciples are not to be troubled and anxious because He is going to prepare a place for them in His Father's house. 2. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. 3. Knowing Jesus is to know the Father. 4. The authority of Jesus is based on the fact that the Father dwells in Him. 5. The one who believes in Jesus will be able to do greater works than He (Himself does). Hence Jesus speaks of a very deep and intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father. Through our faith in Jesus, we too can experience the divine intimacy and empowerment. So Jesus is the way that leads to the Heavenly Father. He is the truth that sets us free from all fears and anxieties in life. He is the life that fills us with gladness and peace. Let these reassuring words of Jesus help us to walk confidently and fearlessly in these challenging times.