Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent: C: December 22, 2024


First Reading: Micah 5: 2 to 5

Second Reading: Hebrews 10: 5 to 10

Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 39 to 45

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Micah. Micah speaks about a great ruler who will come from an insignificant place (Bethlehem) in Israel. He will gather together the scattered people and unite the people once more. He will bring peace and security for the chosen people. The prophecy of Micah finds its fulfilment in the coming of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, born in Bethlehem for the whole world. 

   *Second reading is from the letter to Hebrews. The purpose of Jesus' coming is explained to us. Jesus came not to offer sacrifices of the old law but to do the will of God. The sacrifices offered according to the Mosaic law were unable to purify the people from their sins. But Jesus Christ through His obedience to the will of God and through His self-sacrifice on the cross, is able to bring about reconciliation between God and humankind. 

The meeting of two holy women: Elizabeth and Blessed Virgin Mary                          Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. A detailed description regarding the meeting  of Blessed  Mother Mary and her cousin Elizabeth is given. These two saintly women experience the blessings of a loving and living God in their lives. Mary is eager to share her great joy with her cousin. So Mary travels to the hill country where Elizabeth lives. When greeted by Mary, Elizabeth recognizes the great privilege God has bestowed on Mary. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth praises Mary and the uniqueness of the Child in her womb. Elizabeth joyously praises and thanks the Almighty for the great faith Mary had when she totally surrendered to the will of God and accepted God's word in her womb. It is through Mary that God fulfils the promises foretold by Prophet Micah. The promises of God takes human form in her womb in the person of Jesus. In Mary we see someone who allows  the promise of God to shape her whole life - not in a passive way but positively by her unconditional 'Yes' to God. One great lesson Mary teaches us today is the need to care for the aged. Mary goes to meet Elizabeth and stays with her for three months and takes care of her needs during her pregnancy in her old age. During this season of Advent, we need to cultivate the virtue of kindness. God was so kind to us in sending us His Son Jesus Christ, Mary was kind to Elizabeth by visiting her and serving her when she needed her most. So also our advent preparations will be complete only when we truly serve those in need. Mary knew she is the Mother of God but this did not stop her from being at the service of Elizabeth. We have to learn to forget our wealth, qualifications and positions and try to stoop low to help the numerous people in need of service. Then we will be truly preparing for the coming of the Lord at Christmas. In this final week of Advent, when we are eagerly preparing for Christmas, Elizabeth and Blessed Mother Mary give us some deep insights  as to how we can prepare for the great event: 1. By believing in the promises of God. 2. By recognizing what God has done in our lives and in the lives of others. 3. By sharing our joy with others. 4. By serving the needy. In this context St. Ambrose says: "Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit after conceiving John, while Mary is filled with the Holy Spirit before conceiving the Lord." May the Lord Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary bless you  during these days of Advent and Christmas season by giving you the grace to be at the service of people in need, especially the elderly and the sick. Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, December 22, 2024". Thanks.

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