First Reading: Isaiah 35: 4-7
Second Reading: James 2: 1-5
Gospel Reading: Mark 7: 31-37
Every year on September 8, the Church celebrates the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our heavenly mother. Let us specially pray to our blessed mother that we may be guided by her and experience her heavenly protection in our daily lives.
*First reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah speaks about the future happenings that will take place by the power of the Lord God. The Prophet urges those who are losing heart to take courage, for the Lord God is coming to vindicate and save His people. He assures the people of Israel that the Lord God will save His people from various problems they face. He tells them that the blind, the deaf, the lame and the dumb will be healed by the power of the Lord God. This prophecy of Isaiah finds its fulfilment in Jesus, the Son of God.
*Second reading is from the letter of St. James. The Apostle exhorts the members of the Christian community not to be partial to anyone because one is rich or poor. Class distinction has no place among Christians. He reminds us that the earthly riches or powerful positions in the society are no criterion for any distinctions in the community. Because all are equal before God.
"He even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak." Today's Gospel reading is from St. Mark. A detailed description of how Jesus heals a deaf and dumb man is narrated. During His public ministry, Jesus healed many who were sick and those suffering from various infirmities. One such incident is narrated today. A deaf and dumb man is brought to Jesus by some people. Jesus takes him aside to a secluded place and puts His finger into the man's ears. Then He touches the man's tongue with spittle. Jesus then commands,"Ephphatha", which means 'be opened'. Immediately a miracle takes place: The deaf and dumb man is healed by Jesus and he is able to hear clearly and speak fluently. Faculties of hearing and speech are gifts of God. Jesus feels compassion for this unfortunate man who lacked these faculties. By His words and actions Jesus restores those lost faculties and makes him whole. Now it is our turn to realize that Jesus is able to restore all our lost powers, unused and unrecognized talents once we put our trust in the Lord. The touch of the divine healer continues to transform our lives once we totally put our trust in the Lord. Further, by our actions and prayers, we can bring hope and solace to those people who are suffering from various physical and mental ailments and challenges. Jesus not only touches the ears and tongue but He touches the hearts of everyone of us. Jesus invites us to continue His work in our lives. Further, Jesus not only touches us with His divine hands but also uses our human hands to touch others: To sustain the fatherless and the widow, protect the stranger and raise up those bowed down with various challenges in life. In this context Biblical resources say: "At our baptism we were all touched on the ear and mouth. In this way we are in the story and are invited to see ourselves in the man who was cured." St. Teresa of Avila mentions: "I alone cannot do anything. Jesus alone will not do anything. Jesus and I do everything." May the Lord Jesus, who healed the deaf and dumb man and brought wholeness to the unfortunate man, bring His healing touch in the lives of everyone of you and bring wholeness in your lives. May the Blessed Mother accompany you in times of challenging situations in your lives. Amen.
(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph" on Google search. Thanks.)
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