Thursday, July 25, 2024

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year: B: July 28, 2024


First Reading: 2 Kings 4: 42-44

Second Reading: Ephesians 4: 1-6

Gospel Reading: John 6: 1-15

   *First reading is from the second book of Kings. Prophet Elisha miraculously feeds 100 men. He instructs his servant to feed 100 men with 20 barley loaves. The servant is reluctant and doubtful of feeding them. But Elisha insists that the Lord God has assured him that even after feeding all of them, there would be left over food. It happens as the Prophet told the servant. The hand of the Lord God is instrumental in this miracle. It is a sign of Lord God's concern for the people. 

  *Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Ephesians. Paul pleads with the Ephesian Christian community to lead a life worthy of their call. They are asked to remain in unity and harmony. Paul explains to them that they are called to be part of one body of Christ and share in the one Spirit (Holy Spirit) who is the ultimate source of everything. This trinitarian unity of purpose that Paul mentions should be visible in the life of every Christian in every situation in life. 

Jesus feeds the five thousand people miraculously                                      Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. On that particular day, Jesus works a great miracle by feeding the five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. A large crowd follows Jesus. They listen to His life-giving words to the extent that they forget their hunger. Jesus is very much concerned about their wellbeing. Jesus asks His disciples to find some food for the hungry crowd. Philip, one of the disciples, tells Jesus that it would require a large sum of money to feed them even if food could be purchased. Jesus is not discouraged by this reply of Philip. He immediately makes use of the available resources: Five loaves and two fish which a little boy had brought along. He instructs the disciples to make the crowd sit down on the grass. Jesus takes the bread and fish, gives thanks to God the Father and blesses the food and gives it to the disciples to distribute it to the hungry people. To everyone's amazement, all of them eat their fill - more than 5,000  people. Later, disciples collect twelve baskets full of broken pieces. This miracle is a pre-figuration of the Eucharistic meal - the heavenly banquet where Jesus feeds not just 5,000 people but everyone who believes in Him. This miracle of multiplication of loaves is possible even today. 1. When we are ready to share the little (five loaves) we have with others in need. 2. When we humbly realize our own limitations and ask for God's grace and blessings.  M.K. Gandhi once said: "There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread." In this context, C.B. Buenafe says: "Every miracle must be seen through the eyes of faith. The everyday miracle is when one is willing to share with others what he/she has lovingly received. It is a miracle that is happening everyday when we share love and care for others." Great Russian writer, Solzhenitsyn writes: "Hunger rules the world. It rules every human being." May the good Lord bless everyone of you and inspire you to share your resources with others in need and become an instrument of God's generosity, love and concern. Amen. 

(Kindly note: 'Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph" on Google search. Thanks.)

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