First Reading: Acts 4: 8-12
Second Reading: 1 John 3: 1-2
Gospel Reading: John 10: 11-18
*First reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. The miraculous healing of a crippled person by St. Peter is narrated in detail. Peter testifies to the people of Jerusalem that this miracle happened not by his power but by the power of Jesus of Nazareth whom the Jewish authorities had crucified. He affirms that there is no salvation for anyone except through the power of Jesus although He was rejected by the Jews.
*Second reading is from the first letter of St. John. John tells us that through the love of Jesus, we are made children of God. In our future life, we shall see Jesus as He is. He will do many great and mighty deeds in our lives.
The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. Jesus instructs us that He is the Good Shepherd. To understand this comparison of Jesus to a Good Shepherd, it is important to understand the background of a Shepherd in Palestine at the time of Jesus. The Shepherd is a man who is completely and whole-heartedly dedicated to the care and well-being of his sheep. The Shepherd and the sheep have a very close and intimate relationship. He calls each one by name and they recognize his voice. The Shepherd goes in front of the sheep and the sheep follow him. Often he carries the weak and the very young on his shoulders. To protect the flock from robbers and animals of prey, he has to undergo extreme hardships and in some case even his own life is at stake. Jesus the Good Shepherd cares for His followers. He specially cares for the weak, the least and the lost. The evidence is explicitly seen in the pages of the Gospels. We all need to draw great inspiration and comfort in knowing that Jesus is the Good Shepherd for everyone of us. He is the great leader and saviour we have. He is the one who really cares about us even to the extent of giving His life for our sake. The Good Shepherd does not look for His own comfort but that of His beloved sheep. This theme of Good Shepherd has its echoes in the words of the Lord: " The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20: 28). Let us follow the Good Shepherd who is always ready to lead us and to love us. He tells us: "I know my own and my own know me." - John 10:14.
"The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want." - Psalm 23:1
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