Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Advent: B: December 24, 2023


First Reading: 2 Samuel 7: 1-6 and 8-16

Second Reading: Romans 16: 25-27

Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 26-28

   *First reading is from the second book of Prophet Samuel. The Lord God reveals His plans regarding King David and his dynasty to Prophet Nathan. David wants to build a house for the Lord God and he consults Prophet Nathan regarding the matter. That night, the Lord God tells Nathan that it will be the Lord God who will build a house for David that lasts forever. By sending His only begotten Son Jesus to be born in David's lineage, the promise of the Lord God finds its fulfillment. 

   *Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Romans. Paul instructs the Christian community at Rome and us that God's plan of salvation for Jews and Gentiles has come to its fulfillment in Christ Jesus. It is up to us to proclaim that good news to all nations

Behold the handmaid of the Lord                                                              Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. The annunciation of the birth of Lord Jesus is narrated in detail. The meeting of Mary and Angel Gabriel is an illustration of the living faith of Mary. She unconditionally gives her consent to be the mother of the redeemer though she hardly understood the depth of her 'Yes'. Hence, Mary becomes a special instrument in the hand of God. Mary has a very unique and specific role to play in the salvation history. Mary is asked to put her freedom and her whole person at the service of God and His plans. The difference between Mary and us is not that Mary is chosen while we are not: But rather, it is that she fully consents to be chosen for her role while we remain hesitant and half-hearted in our responses to God. Like Mary, God invites each one of us during this holy season of Advent and addresses us, 'Rejoice, highly favoured for I have chosen you to live a holy and loving life'. Let us positively respond to this invitation of God as we prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus at Christmas. 

"Mary, full of grace, conceived Jesus in her heart before she conceived Him in her womb. She was so attuned to the spiritual that the spiritual readily became physical within her." - St. Augustine

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