Thursday, August 17, 2023

Twentieth Sunday of the Year: A: August 20, 2023


First Reading: Isaiah 56: 1 and 6-7

Second Reading: Romans 11: 13-15

Gospel Reading: Matthew 15: 21-28

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah looks beyond the Chosen people and looks to the salvation of all nations and races. He  affirms that the Lord God's salvation is inclusive of all people (everyone) and it is not limited to one's nationality, race or religion. It is open to all who worship the Lord God with sincerity of heart, no matter where they come from. 

   *Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Romans. Paul explains to the Christian community at Rome and us that God never ever takes back His call and His gifts. He affirms that in order to receive the gifts of God and to live His call, we need to accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord. We receive mercy from God by turning away from our sinful ways and by returning to the love of God. 

Jesus heals the daughter of a Canaanite woman                                                   Today's Gospel reading is from St. Matthew. A Canaanite woman approaches Jesus and pleads with Him to heal her daughter from an evil possession. At that time, Jews and Canaanites had a hostile relationship. At first Jesus does not respond to her desperate cries. The disciples plead with Jesus to grand her request because she had become a real headache to them. Jesus then cites the reason for His inaction. His ministry is limited to the Jews. It is not reasonable that the bread of the children is given to the house dogs. He has come to bring back the lost sheep of Israel. However, this woman does not take Jesus' no for an answer. She persists with her request. She humbly accepts her unworthiness to receive such a gift. Her persistent and continuous prayer finally makes Jesus to grant her wish and her daughter is healed. This miracle story illustrates to us the following: 1. We need to be persistent in our prayer even when our prayers are not immediately answered. 2. No one is to be denied of God's love, mercy and healing touch because he or she does not belong to a particular community or a particular religious tradition. 

"God's dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness and for compassion." - Bishop Desmond Tutu

"The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings which are part of one another and all involved in one another." - Thomas Merton

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