Thursday, June 15, 2023

Eleventh Sunday of the Year: A: June 18, 2023


First Reading: Exodus 19: 2-6

Second Reading: Romans 5: 6-11

Gospel Reading: Matthew 9: 36 to 10: 8

   *First reading is from the Book of Exodus. Moses meets the Lord God on a mountain. The Lord God reminds the people of Israel how He protected them from the Egyptians and brought them out of the slavery of Egypt. He asks them to keep the Covenant and obey the voice of the Lord God at all times to live as a people pleasing to the Lord God. 

   *Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans. Paul explains to the Christian community at Rome and us that the death of Jesus is a sign of God's great love for us. God's love manifests itself in power in order to overcome human weakness, sin and godlessness. Now we are all reconciled to God by the death of His beloved Son Jesus Christ and are saved by Him. 

The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few                                                       Today's Gospel reading is from St. Matthew. In the first part of the Gospel, Jesus sees the great crowds and He has deep compassion for them. He notices that they are helpless and lack purpose in life - 'like sheep without a shepherd'. He realizes the need for labourers to reap the harvest - bringing the lost and broken people to His fold. In the second part of the Gospel, Jesus summons His twelve Apostles and gives them authority over unclean spirits, to cure every disease and every sickness. The names of the twelve are mentioned. Finally, Jesus instructs the twelve and sends them out to preach, to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cleanse the lepers and to cast out demons. They are asked to limit their missionary activities to the lost sheep of Israel: The time will come when they can go to others. Jesus makes it very clear that their mission of preaching and healing is not for any profit motives: 'You received without pay, give without pay'. Everyone of us - His followers- is called to be part of this great mission of Jesus without looking for financial gains and other favours in return. 

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