Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Second Sunday of the Year: A: January 15, 2023


First Reading: Isaiah 49: 3 and 5-6

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 1-3

Gospel Reading: John 1: 29-34

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah describes the Servant of the Lord God. He is the one anointed by the Lord God and He will glorify the Lord God by being a faithful restorer of peace and freedom of the people of Israel. He will be a light to the nations and an agent for universal salvation. This prophecy of Isaiah finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul asserts that he too is called to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus to bring grace and peace to all people of God. He explains to the Christian community in Corinth and all of us the dignity of those who are called to follow Jesus our Lord. 

Jesus the Lamb of God                                                                                 Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. The details regarding John the Baptist's witness to Jesus is narrated. 1. John testifies that Jesus is the one sent by God to take away our sins.  Thus accepting that we are all sinful. 2. John confesses that he himself is not the promised Messiah. The one who comes after him - Jesus - is indeed the Messiah. 3. The descending of God's Spirit on Jesus is the sign that He is sent by God. He will be baptizing with the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist thus announces to the people that Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away our sins. Lamb in Old Testament signifies a sacrificial offering. Jesus does take away our sins. But some of  our past sins have a deeper effect. We are born in a sinful world and each of us in some way broken and damaged. Hence we need someone to repair our brokenness and to heal our wounds. This healing and restoration can be done only by the power of Jesus the lamb of God. That is why Jesus has come into the world to live among us. In order to heal our brokenness and to remove our sinfulness, Jesus seeks out those who are lost and discarded by the society. He has come to heal the sick and to restore wholeness to the mind and heart of every human person. Like John the Baptist, we too need to recognize God's Spirit working in us and around us. It is the Spirit of God that helps us to love one another. It is the same Spirit that is praying within us so that we may walk in the truth. Like John, we too need to discover the living Jesus in us and His Spirit working in manifold ways in the whole universe. 


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