Thursday, September 22, 2022

Twenty Sixth Sunday of the Year: C: September 25, 2022


First Reading: Amos 6: 1 and 4-6

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6: 11-16

Gospel Reading: Luke 16: 19-31

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Amos. Amos speaks to the wealthy people of Judah and of Israel. He sternly warns the complacent who live luxuriously and neglect the poor and the needy. They do not care for the plight of the poor. Besides, their conduct will bring disaster to the whole nation. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Timothy. Paul encourages Timothy in his pastoral care. He gives the example of Jesus who was always faithful to His call in the face of hostility and even death. He exhorts that  Christians should lead a life of righteousness, love and kindness and they should be always faithful to God's call. 

The parable of the rich man and Lazarus                                                                           Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus is narrated in detail. The rich man (who is not named in the parable) lives a lavish life - expensive clothing, sumptuous meals and palatial houses are at his disposal. Whereas, Lazarus the poor man - sick, sores all over the body and starving - is lying at the gate of the rich man. During his lifetime on this earth, the rich man enjoys life to the brim.  Whereas Lazarus suffers much and finally dies. The sin of the rich man consists not in what he did but rather what he did not do for this poor man who was in dire need. Finally the rich man too dies. Death is a leveler of all inequalities.The reversal of fortunes is the central theme of the parable.With death the roles of the rich man and Lazarus are dramatically and irrevocably reversed. Now, it is the turn of the rich man to get some attention from Abraham and the pity of Lazarus who is enjoying the comfort in next life. But it is too late. An abyss separates them and it is an abyss for which the rich man himself is responsible. The parable graphically explains what happens when we enjoy our wealth selfishly showing little or no concern for the poor and the downtrodden of the society. Jesus' parable invites us to live more simply to share more readily and to live more fully so that we can be truly followers of the Lord Jesus. It is said, "A  person's wealth consists not in what he keeps but in what he gives away."

"The parable declares that they who abound in earthly riches, unless they will relieve the necessities of the poor, shall meet with a heavy condemnation." - St. Cyril of Jerusalem 

"The biggest disease in the world today is the feeling of being unwanted (like Lazarus at the gate of the rich man). And the greatest evil in the world today is the lack of love." - St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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