Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Second Sunday of Lent: B: February 28, 2021


First Reading: Genesis 22: 1-2 and 9-13 and 15-18

Second Reading: Romans 8: 31-34

Gospel Reading: Mark 9: 2-10

   * First reading is from the book of Genesis. The story of Abraham the Father of faith is narrated. In spite of his faithfulness to the Lord God, he was severely tested by the Lord God. Sara and Abraham were advanced in age when they were blessed with a son as promised by the Lord God. But unexpectedly the Lord God asked Abraham to offer Isaac  his beloved son as a sacrificial offering. Although he was totally confused and broken by this request, he did not falter but decided  to sacrifice Isaac as asked by the Lord God. When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, the Lord God spared his son and instead Abraham was told to sacrifice a ram. Seeing his trust and total obedience to the Lord God he was greatly blessed by the Lord God. He was promised that his descendants would be as many as the stars in heaven. 

   * Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Romans. Paul instructs the Christians in Rome and us that in Jesus we have an intermediary who will never fail us. He says if God is for us, who can ever be against us? Through these words Paul speaks to us the depth of God's love for us. God did not spare even His own son but gave Him up for us. 

Jesus on Mount Tabor                                                                      Today's Gospel reading is from St. Mark. The transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor is narrated. Jesus with three of His beloved disciples climbed the Mount Tabor. On the mountain top, He was transfigured in the presence of His disciples. He was covered with  heavenly glory. The disciples were overwhelmed and were happy by this heavenly experience. The presence of Moses and Elijah - two towering figures of Old Testament- is a sign that Jesus is the fulfilment of all that has been foretold in the Old Testament. Jesus' momentary change of bodily appearance and the voice of the Father confirms that Jesus is truly sent by God the Father.                                                                The transfiguration event is both comforting and challenging for us. It is comforting because we know that our Lord and Saviour Jesus is truly the Son of God and beloved of the Father. It is challenging because the Father invites us to listen to His Son and follow His teachings and be witnesses to Him in our lives. If we are faithful to the Lord, we too will one day experience this heavenly experience. 

"At His transfiguration Christ showed His disciples the splendor of His heavenly beauty, to which He will shape and colour those who are His." - St. Thomas Aquinas. 

"Sunday Homilies with Fr. Joy Joseph SVD " is available on YouTube. Kindly subscribe.  The link for the Second Sunday of Lent is given below: Second Sunday of Lent B

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