Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Second Sunday of the Year :B: January 17, 2021



First Reading: 1 Samuel 3: 3-10 and 19

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6: 13-15 and 17-20

Gospel Reading: John 1: 35-42

   * First reading is from the first book of Prophet Samuel. It is an account of the call of young Samuel by the Lord God. Samuel responded to the Lord God's call wholeheartedly and unconditionally. His response was one of total submission to the Lord God. And he said, "speak, for thy servant hears." It was through the prophet Samuel that the Lord God guided the chosen people to become a great nation. The call of Samuel is an example of the mysterious and hidden ways in which the Lord God acts. Samuel thus became the liberator of God's people. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul wrote this letter to Christians in Corinth, a port city where people were living in much sexual immorality. Paul tells them and us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and hence we must not use them for sin but rather use them for the glory of God. Because of our call to be holy, we have to live up to the image of God and be a  source of blessings to our brothers and sisters. 

The call of the first disciples                                                    Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. John gives us an account of the call of the first disciples of Jesus. Andrew and his brother Peter had their first encounter with Jesus near the sea of Galilee. It was not merely a casual meeting but rather a meeting of hearts. Sometimes when people meet it can be a mere formality but in an encounter people open their hearts to one another and share their innermost ideas and concerns. This encounter between Jesus and the first disciples changed their lives. For the next three years they would really know who Jesus was and they would experience His constant companionship.                                               Jesus invited His first disciples with the words, "come and see." He is inviting us too in the same way. If we accept His invitation He will reveal His real self to us and the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Most of us can recall some encounters with another person/persons that had a lasting influence or changed our lives or made a firm impression on our lives.  The question is, are we prepared to accept the invitation of Lord Jesus? 

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