Thursday, January 31, 2019

Fourth Sunday of the Year : C: February 3, 2019


First Reading: Jeremiah 1: 4-5, 17-18
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 31 to 13: 1-12
Gospel Reading: Luke 4: 21-30

   * First reading is from the book of Prophet Jeremiah. In this passage Jeremiah is assured by the Lord God that He will  protect him  and care for him in his difficulties and challenges. He was told that even before he was formed in his mother's womb, the Lord God knew him and appointed him a prophet. In the latter part of the chapter the Lord God assures Jeremiah that those who are against him will not succeed in their sinister plans and evil designs because 'I am with you', says the Lord 'to deliver you'. This assurance of the Lord God is not only for Prophet Jeremiah but for everyone who is unjustly persecuted.

   * Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. In this passage Paul makes a distinction between different gifts from God. He says the gift of prophecy, speaking in tongues, knowledge, faith and hope are all important in the life of a Christian. But the greatest gift of God is LOVE. Paul speaks eloquently in describing the excellence and permanence of love. According to him love is the answer to all problems of life. Where there is love, problems disappear but where there is no love problems multiply.

"Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth"
Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. This passage describes the events that led to the rejection of Jesus at His home town Nazareth. Jesus was certainly grieved and disturbed by the rejection of His own townsfolk. He knew that it was only the beginning of a series of rejections and denials. Their attempt to kill him was only an indication of what was yet to come. Jesus knew very well the great risk that he was facing. He pointed out to them two instances in the Old Testament where prophets did not find favour with God's chosen people Israel: that of Prophet Elijah and that of Prophet Elisha. It was very hurtful and humiliating to be rejected by one's own townsfolk. Jesus was certainly saddened by what happened to Him at Nazareth. But this painful incident did not stop Him from continuing His prophetic mission. Jesus invites all of us His followers to continue His prophetic mission in spite of discouragements and rejections from people who are dear to us and familiar to us.
"Familiarity breeds contempt" - Proverb
"Like the prophets, people who plunge headlong into denunciations of the present in order to inspire commitment to the future, risk their neck" - Carlos Christo.

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