Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Eleventh Sunday of the Year:C


First Reading: 2 Samuel 12: 7-10,13
Second Reading: Galatians 2: 16, 19-21
Gospel Reading: Luke 7: 36-50

   * First reading is from the second book of Samuel. In this passage, Prophet Nathan confronts King David and tells him that he has sinned against the Lord God by taking Uriah's wife and later killing Uriah by his orders. Nathan expressed his anguish that the King has done such a crime in spite of the innumerable blessings God had showered on him. King David readily admitted his wrong doings and repented. Then the Prophet assured the King that the Lord God has forgiven him. Repentance is a prerequisite for being forgiven by God.

   * Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Galatians. In this passage, Paul tells the people that Christ has become the centre of his life.: the Christ who loved him and died for him. He expresses his deep belief that "it is  no longer I who live, that Christ lives in me" Paul is sure that all his strength come from being united with the Lord.

"Jesus Forgives the Sinful Woman "
Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. This passage, narrates the story of Jesus meeting two types of people at the house of Simon the Pharisee. One a sinful woman who realized her sinful past and repented of it. The other , Simon the Pharisee , who considered himself holy , self righteous and needs no repentance.
Jesus was gentle and loving in His approach to the sinful woman. She expressed her sorrow by her tears and later kissed the feet of Jesus and anointed them with costly ointment. The Pharisee on the other hand, did not do the customary greetings and was critical of the woman and Jesus. In his heart he blamed Jesus for such an incident.
Knowing the thoughts of Simon, Jesus told him firmly about his own lack of respect and decorum for the guest in his house. Jesus then told him that love transcends all sins and wrong doings and her sins which are many are totally forgiven. Jesus wiped away all her sinful past with His consoling and reassuring words:"Your faith has saved you, go in peace, sin no more". By treating this woman with kindness and forgiveness, Jesus helped her to be reconciled with God and her hurting past. Jesus challenged Simon to see his own shortcomings.The same Jesus challenges us too to see our own sinfulness and shortcomings and return to the Lord and not to be judgmental of others.
"Repentance is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity" - John Milton.
"To err is human, to forgive is divine"- Alexander Pope
"God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination" - St. Augustine.

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