Thursday, June 16, 2016

Twelvth Sunday of the Year:C


First Reading: Zechariah 12: 10-11.13:1
Second Reading: Galatians 3: 26-29
Gospel Reading: Luke  9:18-24

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Zechariah. This passage speaks about a time when a new Spirit will be poured out on the people ( as at Pentecost). The house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will mourn and grieve over the one they put to death -speaks  about the death of Jesus the Son of God. But he will be a fountain of purity to us from our sins and uncleanliness.

   * Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Galatians. In this passage, Paul tells us that for those who have been baptized , there must be no more distinctions. Because of Christ, all have equal access to the blessings promised to Abraham and his children. Through our faith in Jesus, we are all children of God.

"St. Peter's Confession of Faith"
Today's Gospel reading is from St;Luke. In this passage, Jesus put two questions to His disciples. First question was, 'who do people say that I am"? To this question, there were many answers . Some people considered Jesus to be John the Baptist, who was beheaded by Herod and now come back to life; some others thought Jesus was Elijah one of the great prophets of old who now has returned to earth. Some others thought Jesus was one of the prophets of old who has now come back to life. Hence, there were various opinions about Jesus but none of them considered Jesus to be the promised Messiah. Of course, people had their own reasons to think in this manner.
Then Jesus put a second question to His disciples, which was very fundamental to His disciples and to each of us. "But who do you say that I am?" Peter immediately confessed, "You are the Christ of God" : that is, Jesus is the promised Messiah, who has come to save the world and us. 
Today, Jesus puts this same question to us. Is our answer like that of the people around us, that He is merely one of the prophets, or a miracle worker, or one of the holy men. Jesus wants a personal answer from us. That , He is truly the one who has come to save my life - my personal Messiah. Jesus is waiting for an answer.
"There are so many religions and each one has its different 
ways of following God. I follow Christ.
Jesus is my God, Jesus is my Spouse, Jesus is my life . Jesus
is my only Love. Jesus is my All in All. Jesus is my Everything" - Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
"Some persons live manly or womanly lives and they lack one thing - open confession of the Lord Jesus Christ " - Billy Sunday. 
A prayer: "Heavenly Father, You revealed to the Apostle St. Peter the blessed truth that your Son Jesus is the Christ. Strengthen us by the proclamation of this truth that we too may joyfully confess that there is salvation in no one else but in Jesus Christ".

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Eleventh Sunday of the Year:C


First Reading: 2 Samuel 12: 7-10,13
Second Reading: Galatians 2: 16, 19-21
Gospel Reading: Luke 7: 36-50

   * First reading is from the second book of Samuel. In this passage, Prophet Nathan confronts King David and tells him that he has sinned against the Lord God by taking Uriah's wife and later killing Uriah by his orders. Nathan expressed his anguish that the King has done such a crime in spite of the innumerable blessings God had showered on him. King David readily admitted his wrong doings and repented. Then the Prophet assured the King that the Lord God has forgiven him. Repentance is a prerequisite for being forgiven by God.

   * Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Galatians. In this passage, Paul tells the people that Christ has become the centre of his life.: the Christ who loved him and died for him. He expresses his deep belief that "it is  no longer I who live, that Christ lives in me" Paul is sure that all his strength come from being united with the Lord.

"Jesus Forgives the Sinful Woman "
Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. This passage, narrates the story of Jesus meeting two types of people at the house of Simon the Pharisee. One a sinful woman who realized her sinful past and repented of it. The other , Simon the Pharisee , who considered himself holy , self righteous and needs no repentance.
Jesus was gentle and loving in His approach to the sinful woman. She expressed her sorrow by her tears and later kissed the feet of Jesus and anointed them with costly ointment. The Pharisee on the other hand, did not do the customary greetings and was critical of the woman and Jesus. In his heart he blamed Jesus for such an incident.
Knowing the thoughts of Simon, Jesus told him firmly about his own lack of respect and decorum for the guest in his house. Jesus then told him that love transcends all sins and wrong doings and her sins which are many are totally forgiven. Jesus wiped away all her sinful past with His consoling and reassuring words:"Your faith has saved you, go in peace, sin no more". By treating this woman with kindness and forgiveness, Jesus helped her to be reconciled with God and her hurting past. Jesus challenged Simon to see his own shortcomings.The same Jesus challenges us too to see our own sinfulness and shortcomings and return to the Lord and not to be judgmental of others.
"Repentance is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity" - John Milton.
"To err is human, to forgive is divine"- Alexander Pope
"God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination" - St. Augustine.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tenth Sunday of the Year:C


First Reading: 1 Kings 17:17-24
Second Reading: Galatians 1: 11-18
Gospel Reading: Luke 7: 11-17

   * First reading is from the first book of Kings. This passage describes a sad event, the death of a widow's son in whose house Prophet Elijah was staying during the sever famine there. The woman was in great distress. Seeing her sorrow, Prophet Elijah prayed to God and the child was brought back to life. After witnessing this great miracle, the woman acknowledged that Elijah was a man of God and a great prophet.

   * Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Galatians. In this passage, Paul tries to explain to the Christians in Galatia that the Gospel preached by him is not of human origin but is through the revelation of Jesus Christ as hence it is of divine origin. Paul defends his authority to preach the Gospel and the truth of his doctrine. although in his former days as a Pharisee he persecuted the Church of God and tried to destroy it.

"Jesus Raises the Widow's Son at Naim"
Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. This passage gives us an account of the happening at Naim when Jesus and His disciples went to that city. A widow's only son had died and his life less body was being carried to be buried when Jesus and His disciples arrived there. Seeing the widow's sorrow and pain, Jesus was moved with compassion . Jesus touched the bier and said, "Young man, I say to you, arise" and immediately, the dead man regained life. Jesus raised to life the young man and brought consolation and hope for a distressed widow. People in the city recognized Jesus as a great prophet and a man of God.
Compassion for the suffering and pain of those in distress is an essential quality of every follower of Christ. We should not be found wanting when people are faced with unexpected loses and sorrows.
"Christ came to be Father's compassion to the world. Be kind in your actions" Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
"The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others" - Albert Schweitzer.
"By compassion we make other's misery our own, and so, by relieving them we relieve ourselves also"- Thomas Browne.