Thursday, October 16, 2014

Twenty Nineth Sunday: A: Mission Sunday


First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6
Second Reading: Romans 10:9-18
Gospel Reading:  Matthew 28:16-20

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. The Prophet speaks in glowing terms of his vision of the restored and glorified city of Jerusalem. He assures the people in exile that all nations will come to Jerusalem and it will be light to all nations. There will be abundance of wealth in the city and the praise of the Lord will be proclaimed.

   * Second reading is from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans. Paul explains to the Christians in Rome that every one who believes and confesses that Jesus is the Lord will be saved. There is no distinction between the Jews and Gentiles with regard to salvation. Hence Paul says, justification is through faith/belief and salvation through confession of that faith. He praises preachers of the good news. Through their  preaching of Christ, others come to know Jesus and have faith in Him.

    "Mission Command of Jesus"
Today's Gospel reading is from St. Mathew. Jesus after His resurrection met His disciples on a mountain and gave the mission command to them.
1. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
2. I am with you always to the close of age.
Therefore as commanded by Jesus, the Gospel (good news) is to be proclaimed to everyone. The good news is that the love and foregiveness  of the Heavenly Father is available to everyone without exception. Jesus also assures His continued presence in the World till the end of times.
Based on this Mission Command , the Church celebrates the Mission Sunday every year for the following reasons.
1.To proclaim the Good News to areas where it is yet to be proclaimed
2. To support the efforts of the missionaries working in different parts of the world through prayer and financial support
3. Living as true disciples of Christ by standing for values of Christ: Love, truth and justice for everyone. 
"World Mission Day is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity to support of the young Churches in mission lands" - Pope Francis
"World Mission Day is also an occasion to rekindle the desire and moral obligation to take joyful part in the mission ad gentes"- Pope Francis.

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