Friday, March 4, 2011

Ninth Sunday of the Year :A


First Reading: Deu. 11-18, 26-28
Second Reading : Rom . 3: 21-25,28
Gospel Reading: Mt. 7: 21=27

* First Reading is from the book of Deuteronomy. Moses exhorts the Israelites to follow the commandments of God. They will receive blessings if they obey God's commandments. But if they disobey them and go after other gods they will be punished.

*Second Reading is from St. Paul's letter to the Romans. Paul tells the Romans that they are justified by faith in Jesus. That they have received it through the grace of God rather than through their own efforts (works of law). And this redemption they received is through Jesus Christ.

"Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven"

Today's Gospel reading is from St. Mathew. Jesus tells his disciples and us that by merely saying Lord, Lord, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Our words and actions should match . Jesus gives us the example of two persons. One a wise man who built his house on solid foundation, when the extreme weather battered that house, it stood firm because , it had solid foundation. So also a person who follows the teachings of Jesus and put them in to practice will be like that wise man. He also gives the example of a foolish man who built his house on sand- poor foundation. When the extreme weather battered on it, it fell, because it did not have solid foundation.
Those who listen to Jesus' teaching but does not follow them in their lives are that foolish man. We are invited to be like the wise man and secure our eternal life not by words but by action- following the will of the heavenly father.

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