Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feast of Baptism of the Lord :C


First Reading: Is. 42: 1-4,6-7
Second Reading: Acts. 10: 34-38
Gospel Reading: Lk. 3: 15-16, 21-22

   * First Reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. The Prophet speaks of God's servant who will be an instrument of justice and peace to the people of God. Jesus is promised as a servant of God who will open the eyes of the blind and liberate those who are in prison and in darkness.

   * Second Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. In his testimony, St. Peter says that Jesus was sent by God to preach the good news of peace to Galilee and Judea. After his baptism by John the Baptist, he was anointed by the Holy Spirit to do works of healing and free those oppressed by evil powers.

"Baptism with Holy Spirit and with Fire"
Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. It gives an account of John the Baptist's testimony regarding Jesus. There is also a description of Jesus's baptism by John at the river Jordan.
During the baptism, Holy Spirit came down on Jesus. A voice from heaven was heard which said, "Thou art my beloved Son, with thee I am well pleased".
The voice from heaven affirms that Jesus is the Son sent by God, who always did what was pleasing to the Heavenly Father. 
By his Baptism we see : a) Jesus is identified with the sinful humanity although he was sinless. 
b) Jesus submitted to the will of the Heavenly Father. c) Heavenly Father approved Jesus' ministry by empowering him with the Holy Spirit.
Our baptism is very much related to the baptism of Jesus.
For us, baptism is only a door; once we go through this door, our lives are never the same. Most of us were baptized when we were infants and did not really understand its significance. By our baptism we become members of God's people. So being baptized would mean that we are choosing a life like that of Jesus. Like Jesus, in our baptism we too become sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father and we too receive the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was baptized so that the will of God might be fulfilled and this too happens when we live our baptism by turning from sin to live the life of following  Jesus.
Let us take our baptismal promises seriously from today. May the Heavenly Father Bless each one of us and announce 'this is my beloved son/ beloved daughter , in whom I am well pleased'.
Also read:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Feast of Epiphany : C

Revelation and Manifestation of Christ

First Reading: Is. 60: 1-6
Second Reading : Eph. 3: 2-3,5-6
Gospel Reading: Mt. 2: 1-12

   * First Reading is from the book of Isaiah. The Prophet gives us a vision of the restored city of Jerusalem. In spite of darkness and gloom, the Prophet assures the people, of the coming of the Lord in splendor and glory and as a light that shines on the people. There will be great rejoicing and abundance of wealth in the land.

   * Second Reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Ephesians. The Apostle speaks of universality of salvation ; that God invites all - Jews and Gentiles ( people of other nations) alike to share on an equal footing the salvation won by Christ. All are members of the same body and co-partners in the promise of Christ Jesus.

Epiphany of the Lord
Epiphany comes from the Greek word ' epiphainein' which means to reveal. This is the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles (non- Jews) as represented by the three wise men (Magi) from the east.
The three wise men came searching for Christ. They found him, worshiped him and offered him gifts. Since that day, millions of people have followed them in their foot steps and came to Christ.
The Gospel reading is from St. Mathew. It gives an account of how the wise men from the East came to Bethlehem seeing a special star. Guided by the star they reached Jerusalem and went and met King Herod expecting some guidance from him regarding the birth of this New King. Herod summoned his advisers and took their opinion. They referred to prophecies of old and  told the wise men that the New King is expected to be born in Bethlehem. Hearing this news, the wise men left Herod's palace and went in search of the child in Bethlehem. They met Child Jesus and Mary the mother , and paid their respects and offered their gifts, gold, frankincense , and myrrh.
Three important messages are given in today's Gospel story of Epiphany.
1. It speaks of a journey of the three wise men from the east to Jerusalem a far away and unknown place in search of Christ Child. This journey of theirs is a symbol of the search for truth by genuine seeks of God.
2. The meeting of wise men with King Herod is narrated. People in authority and power symbolised by Herod, try to suppress and destroy truth and God's message and messengers.
3. The wise men reached Bethlehem and paid homage to Christ Child and received blessings. It is a touching story of all moments of grace. There is joy of recognition of God; and His presence and total surrender to God of themselves represented by their gifts: gold, frankincense and  myrrh. 
Also read: