Friday, November 23, 2012

Thirty Fourth Sunday :B:Feast of Christ the King


First Reading: Dan.7: 13-14
Second Reading: Apoc. 1:5-8
Gospel Reading: Jn. 18: 33-37

   * First Reading is from the book of Prophet Daniel . It gives us a description of the vision Daniel had. In this vision Daniel saw Christ being presented to the heavenly Father and he was given dominion and glory and Kingship. All people, nation were under his everlasting power.

   * Second Reading is from the book of Apocalypse. It speaks of the faithfulness of Christ who is the ruler of the whole earth and all kingdoms. By His shedding of blood , Christ has freed us from sin and made us part of His kingdom. Christ is the Alpha and the Omega - beginning and the end of everything.

Gospel reading is from St. John. It gives an account of Jesus being asked by Pilate about his kingdom. Jesus' answer was that, His Kingdom is not of this world. But he says, "I came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." Hence the hall mark of Jesus' Kingship is truth. Pope Benedict XVI says, "Jesus' whole existence reveals that God is love. This is therefore, the truth of which he gave full testimony with the sacrifice of his own life on Calvary. The Cross is the 'throne' from which he manifested the sublime royalty of God-Love"
Jesus' kingship did not end with his death on the cross; on the contrary his kingdom was in fact established by his death on the cross. His kingdom continues for ever in eternal glory and splendor as he testified that his kingdom did not belong to this world.
May we have the courage and the perseverance to remain true to our King and give witness to His rule by belonging to the side of truth and constantly listening to the voice of  Christ the universal King.
Beneath the picture of Christ, runs the following message:
"Jesus also known as Christ wanted on charges of sedition, criminal anarchy, vagrancy, and conspiring to overthrow the established government. Dresses poorly. Uses carpentry as a cover. Has visionary ideas. Associates with common working people; unemployed, and winos. Has variety of aliases: Prince of Peace, Son of Man, Light of the World, etc. Full beard and scars on hands and feet the results of injuries inflicted by angry mob led by respectable citizens and local authorities" - James Gilhooley.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thirtyfirst Sunday of the Year:B


First Reading: Deu. 6:2-6
Second Reading: Heb. 7: 23-28
Gospel Reading: Mk. 12:28-34

   * First Reading is from the book of Deuteronomy. Moses asks the people of Israel to Love the Lord their God and to obey His commandments. He tells them that God wants a wholehearted obedience of His commandments and not mere lips service. If they do so, God will bless them abundantly and will give them a land flowing with milk and honey.

   * Second Reading is from the letter to Hebrews. It explains that Jesus is the perfect High priest holy and blameless , who offered himself once and for all for sinners and continues to intercede for them. It was not necessary for him to offer sacrifices daily like other high priests who are appointed by law and are weak in nature.

"Love of God and Love of Neighbour"
In the Gospel today, a very important question is put to Jesus by a scribe. 'Which is the greatest commandment?' The answer to this question could be hundreds of answers. In his answer, Jesus gave not one commandment but two. First he said, "Love your God with all your heart , with all your mind and with all your soul" which is a quote from the book of Deuteronomy. Then Jesus added a verse from the book of Leviticus, "and you shall love your neighbour as yourself".
Jesus' simple statements embraced everything we need to do to serve God. Every action of our lives are included in these two laws and demand a radical change in our lives. When we love other people, we are loving people in the image and likeness of God. We cannot love God and hate others.
First of all, the love of God demands a wholehearted commitment from us. It does not begin and end with Sunday Services; but rather, God is the centre and source of our very being.
Secondly, love of neighbour means, good will, boundless and extended to those who may have no personal likeness for us and may not belong to our family, clan or nationality. The perfect example of the love of neighbour is narrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Hence for Jesus, love of neighbour has no boundaries or barriers.
In other words, love of God and love of neighbour are two sides of the same coin. Love of God cannot exist without love of neighbour and vice versa.
God has bestowed on us with the great power to love: where mere matter, our mind, our intellect, our will and our whole self is spontenously converted to the Love of God and Love of neighbour. Jesus is asking us to follow this instinct of love.
"How can I love God and not care for His image" - Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
"Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers you do to me" Mt. 25:40

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Eleventh Sunday of the Year : B


First Reading: Eze. 17: 22-34
Second Reading: 2 Cor. 5:6-10
Gospel Reading: Mk. 4:26-34

   * First Reading is from the book of Prophet Ezekiel. The prophet predicts the downfall of Jerusalem. He compares the King and the people of Judah to a small cutting of a tall tree which God will take and plant on Mount Zion. Thus the prophet gives hope of restoration that will be brought about by a member of the chosen race : that is the Messiah, who will set up a universal Kingdom.

   * Second Reading is from the second letter of St. Paul to Corinthians . Paul asks the Corinthians to be courageous in the face of death. He says that his priority at all times is to please the Lord. Hence he has no fears of appearing before the Lord. They too by pleasing the Lord can expect the reward at the end of their lives.

"The Kingdom of God... is like a Grain of Mustard Seed"

Today's Gospel reading is from St. Mark. In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God through two parables. In the first parable, Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to what happens when seed is sown by a farmer . Once the seed is sown, he waits for harvest time. The cycle of growth follows but the farmer does not know how it happens. Apparently nothing seems to be happening yet the miracle of growth is taking place. Just as the harvest comes its own time, so the Kingdom will reach its completion in God's appointed time. It is God's Kingdom not of our own making.
In the second parable , Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed which is very small in size but grows into a large shrub which gives shelter to birds of the air. In this parable Jesus makes a contrast between the smallness of the seed and the luxurious growth of the plant. Small beginnings can make for mighty achievements. Littleness is no index of importance in God's Kingdom. The small mustard seed grows to become a shelter of the birds of the air.
So also the Kingdom of  God grows slowly to envelop the whole world. In the same way, no matter how small our efforts may be , as small as a mustard seed, to promote christian values, God will multiply them with his hidden power to bring about wonderful  results.
We may not necessarily see those results immediately, but Jesus' parables are a promise that they will happen in our own times.
As the saying goes:
            "Where will tomorrow's trees come from?
             From the shoots we plant today
             Where will tomorrows justice and peace get their start?
             From the seeds we sow with our hearts today."

Friday, June 8, 2012

Feast of Body and Blood of Christ:B

                                               "CORPUS CHRISTI"

First Reading : Ex.24:3-8
Second Reading: Heb. 9:11-15
Gospel Reading: Mk. 14:12-16, 22-26

   * First Reading is from the Book of Exodus. This is a narration of the solemn sealing of Covenant between God and the people of Israel made on the mount Sinai. Moses sealed the covenant with the blood of the animals. But people failed to observe this covenant and they went after other gods. This covenant on mount Sinai prefigured the new covenant which would be ratified by Jesus by his own blood on Mount Calvary.

   * Second reading is from the letter to the Hebrews. The author explains that through the redeeming work of Christ , God has entered into a new and eternal covenant with his people. Unlike the priests of the old covenant , Jesus the priest of the new and eternal covenant entered the sanctuary with his own blood for our redemption. Thus he is the mediator of the new covenant.

"This is my Blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many"

Today's Gospel passage is from St. Mark , which describes the preparation and the celebration of the Last Supper which Jesus ate with his disciples before his death. During the last supper , Jesus gave his body and blood as food for his disciples. This Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) reminds us of the celebration and the institution of the Eucharist at the last supper.
There are four important reasons for celebration this Feast on this Sunday.
1. Through this celebration we are reaffirming our faith in the Eucharistic Lord; that Jesus is truly and really present in the Eucharist in the form of bread and wine. Jesus said "He who eats my body and drinks my blood will have eternal life."
2. This feast is to make reparation for all the lack of reverence , blasphemy and unworthy participation of the Eucharist. St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians  severely condemned unworthy participation at the Eucharistic table.
3. This feast is to give thanks for all the graces we have received through the participation in Eucharist . By receiving this heavenly food , God has given us immense blessings.
4. This feast makes us conscious that we need to receive the body and blood of the Lord often to grow in Christ.
Jesus gave himself to us in the Eucharist . We in our turn have to gives ourselves to others.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Feast of Most Blessed Trinity :B


First Reading: Deu. 14:32-34,39-40
Second Reading: Rom. 8:14-37
Gospel Reading: Mt. 28:16-20

   * First Reading is from the Book of Deutronomy. In this reading Moses reminds the Israelites the magnanimous nature of God. He is Creator, Liberator and Wonder worker. Moses exhorts them to follow God's commandments in order to enjoy the fullness of life that God wants to give them.

   * Second Reading is from St. Paul's letter to Romans. Paul reminds the people of Rome of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to call God "Abba Father" and testifies to the fact that we are children of God. And by baptism we have become children of God. By the  fact that the Holy Spirit dwells within us , we become children of the Father and co-heirs with Christ His Son.

   In today's Gospel reading from St. Mathew, Jesus speaks to his disciples that he is given all authority in heaven and earth and asked them to make disciples from all nations. He did not ask them to make disciples in his name alone but in the name of Father - Son - and Holy Spirit- the Trinity.
This mystery of Holy Trinity is not easily understood. In Trinity we have three different faces of God.
 First there is the face of God as Father - the beginning and the end of all; the creator , the ruler. He is not only the God we obey through commandments, but also the God we address as Our Father. Jesus would say "The Father and I are one".
Secondly , there is the face of God as Son, the Divine Word of God who took on our human nature. On the one hand, he shows us the God who heals us, cares for us and forgives us. On the other hand, he shows us the god who challenges us to higher things and sends us out to proclaim this word.
Thirdly, there is the face of God as Spirit. He is the comforter, who is always with us, the paraclate who teaches us and guides us. The Spirit is the very breath of God giving us new life, the love of God poured out into our hearts and the power of God enabling us to become his witnesses.
May the Holy Trinity, help us to become the kind of persons we are meant to be - true children of God our Father, the living image of Jesus his Son and a consecrated temple of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Feast of Pentacost: B


First  Reading: Acts 2: 1-11
Second Reading: 1 Cor. 12:3b-7,12-13
Gospel Reading: Jn 20:19-28

   * First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. It describes the first Pentecost experience of the disciples during which Holy Spirit came down upon them in a mighty way. The disciples who were timid and frightened after the death of Jesus became filled with Holy Spirit and were transformed into courageous and charismatic witnesses of the Risen Lord. They were able to speak to people of all languages and cultures who were at Jerusalem on the first Pentecost. They boldly communicated the good news of salvation to the people.

   * Second Reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul instructs the people of Corinth that Holy Spirit is active in people. We are all baptised into one body and were all given to drink of the one Spirit. It is Holy Spirit who inspires various gifts , ministries and works in the Chruch.

"Receive the Holy Spirit"
Today we celebrate Pentecost, coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostels. Gospel reading is from St. John which speaks about breath and life. The risen Lord appeared to his disciples in the upper room where they were locked inside. After greeting them , he breathed on them and said "Receive the Holy Spirit". According to biblical understandig, wind and spirit signified the breath of God. At Pentecost , by words breath and spirit signifies a new creation and a new beginning. Hence Pentecost is the birthday of the Chruch.
Before the day of Pentecost, the disciples were huddled together behind closed doors, paralysed by fear and confusion and hesitancy. They could only wait and pray.
But with the coming of the Holy Spirit , His fire was kindled in their hearts and His wind drove them out into the streets to proclaim the good news. That was the beginning of the Church's mission to make disciples of all nations. What those first discipless began is yet to be finished . That is why we need a new coming of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Feast of Ascension :B

Today we celebrate the glorious Ascension of Christ. It is a day of great joy and gladness

First Reading: Acts. 1:1-11
Second Reading: Eph. 1: 17-23
Gospel Reading: Mk. 16:15-20

* First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. It gives us a description of the event of Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Before the Ascension, Jesus reminded his followers of their responsibility. He promised them that he would send the Holy Spirit and they are to witness to him all throghout the world; with the power of the Holy Spirit . After this , when all of them were looking on, Jesus was lifted up to heaven .As they were still gazing on, they were reminded that as has has gone up to heaven, he will come again.

   * Second Reading is from the letter of St. Paul to Ephesians. Paul describes the meaning of Ascension of Jesus. That God has raised Jesus above all earthly power , and made him, not only head of the Church but the Lord of all creation. Paul then prays for the Ephesians and asks God to make them understand the heavenly riches we inherit through Jesus Christ.

"He was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right had of God"

In the Gospel today, we have Jesus and the disciples gathered together before the Ascension. Jesus commissions his apostles to preach the Kingdom of God. He promised them that he would be with them till the end. After that he ascended into heaven.
For the disciples , ascension of Jesus marks the begining of a new chapter . From now on, they are without the physical presence of Jesus. For three years, Jesus led them from the front, taught them by example, trained hem to be fishers of men, gave them a thirst for the things to come. This separation though painful , is for good. Jesus knew that it was time fo him to entrust the helm in the hands of his disciples . Jesus knew that, after many trials and errors, betrayals and denials they have reached the maturity. Jesus told tem that it was for their good that he goes. "It is for your benefit that I leave you, for after I leave, I will send you the Holy Spirit, who will guide and teach you " Jn.16:6. Jesus' Ascension is most important for us too, because it confirsm His claim to be God's own Son. And it completes the cycle of incarnation , redemption and glorification. Hence by His Ascension, he gives us the hope that one day we too will follow him to heaven.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sixth Sunday of Easter:B


First Reading: Acts. 10:25-26,34-35, 44-48
Second Reading: 1 Jn . 4:7-10
Gospel Readng: Jn 15: 9-17

   * First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. This passage describes the events of the first non Jew, a Romman Centurian Cornelius and his household received baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and became the first gentile converts to become Christians.While St. Peter was preaching to the assembly those gathered , the Holy Spirit desecended on them and they began to praise God in various languages. The baptism according to Peter ,cannot be refused to those who have received the Holy Spirit.
This shows that God is not selective in his love. His salvation is offered to all.

   *Second Reading is from the first letter of St. John. Apostle John exhorts us to love one another for we are children of God whose very essence is love. God proved this when out of the infinite love He sent His only son to give us eternal life and make an expiation for sins of the whole human race. This passage contains a very important message made about God, namely that He is LOVE.

"As the Father has loved Me, So have I Loved YOU"

Today's Gospel reading from St. John too speaks of Father's love for Jesus which is the basis of his love for his disciple. First of all, Jesus asks his disciples "Love one another as I have loved you"
Jesus communicates to us that he loves us with the love of His Father. The love of the Father, makes Jesus his "Beloved Son" and allows him to give up his life for the sake of humanity. In this way Jesus teaches us the values of love and how to love.
Secondly the love of Jesus is a fruitful love because the love does the most remarkable act of laying down his own life. Jesus' death and resurrection gives us a new identity as these liberate us from the slavery of sin and death and makes us worthy of the Kingdom of heaven.
The essence of Christian living is given in today's liturgy that is following Jesus and translating is commandment of love into our own lives. He calls us his friends. But to be a friend of Jesus would mean that we are ready to sacrifice ourselves the way Jesus himself did.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fifth Sunday of Easter :B


First Reading: Acts 9:26-31
Second Reading : 1 Jn 3:18-24
Gospel Reading: Jn 15:1-8

   * First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. It gives an account of how Paul is among the Christians whom he had persecuted. Paul was a known persecutor of the Church at Jerusalem and he was feared by Christians. After his conversion he tried to join the Christian community and try to preach the word but he was rejected by them. But Barnabas , a man of standing in the church in Jerusalem was convinced that Saul has truely accepted Christ. He therefore introduced him to the Apostles telling them about Saul's on the road to Damascus and how he boldly preached the Risen Lord.

   * Second readng is from the first letter of St. John . The beloved disciple John urges Christians to believe firmly in Jesus Christ the Son of God . Their love of neighbour should be a practical demonstration of their faith in Jesus. He exhorts them that if we wish to live as God wants, we must keep his commandments, especially the commandment to love one another.

Today's Gospel speaks of the vine and branches in the context of fruitfulness of being a disciple of Jesus. This in the background of Jesus' last days in this world. Jesus compares his relationsip with disciples to that of a Vine and its branches. Unless the branches are united with the Vine, the cannot produce fruits. The branches receive nourishment from the Vine. If the branches are cut off from the Vine, they dry up. So also the disciples have to united with Jesus to be fruitful. Without his help we cannot produce the fruits for that we have to keep his commandments especially the commandment of Love.
This Gospel passage also gives us the message of tremendous intimacy between Jesus and disciples. Our relationship wit te Lord is deeper than mere professing that Jesus is our saviour and Lord. He lives in us and we live in him. The poof that we are living in him and he is living in us is that he has given us a share in his Spirit , wh is the bond of union between us and Jesus.
Jesus wants us that we are branches of the Vine and that we should live in a community of love. We need to love and care for one another.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Easter


First Reading: Acts 4: 8-12
Second Reading 1 Jn 3:1-2
Gospel Reading  Jn.. 10: 11-18

*First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. When Peter healed a crippled man, people looked at him with awe. Peter courageously tells the people that the cure of the cripple from birth was not done by his own power or ability. But through the power of Jesus who the Jews had crucified . But God raised him Peter also asserts that Christ has become the cornerstone which would bring salvation to all.

* Second reading is from the first letter of St. John . John puts before us the basic effects of incarnation that is we are called children of God. Hence we shall see him as he is in future life. Christ has united all of us in a special relationship with God the Father.

"The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep"

Today's Gospel reading is from St. John where Jesus speaks of himself as the Good Shepherd. Of all the images we have of Christ the one which is dearest to us and with which we are most familiar is probably that of the Good Shepherd. It is such a lovely image and is deeply rooted in the Bible. We can say that the Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep; the voiceless and powerless in the society. He watches over them and not one is lost. He still continues to do the same. At the end of his life on earth, he gave his precious body and blood to his beloved sheep, so that all of them may be redeemed.

When Jesus spoke of the tender loving care of God, he told the people the parable of the Good Shepherd. The Shepherd when one of his sheep is lost, he leaves the other ninetynine on the hillside and goes of in search of the lost one. He searches for the lost sheep untill he finds it. And then taking it on his shoulders he returns to share his joy with his neighbours. Jesus continues to search until he finds the lost one.
The Good Shepherd challenges us .. I have come to seek out and save the lost.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Second Sunday of Easter


First Reading: Acts. 4:32-35
Second Reading: 1Jn. 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Jn . 20:19-31

*First Reading is from the book of Acts of the Apostles. It gives a vivid account of the early Christian community. The risen Christ had a decisive influence in the lives of his followers. Their unity of heart and mind is praise worthy. It is a community ideally faithful to the Gospel message where believers shared faith and shared their possessions.

* Second reading is from the first letter of St. John . John exhorts the Christians to live a life of Love. The Christian is a child of God. Hence he should show his love for God by keeping God's commandments.

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe"

Gospel reading is from the Gospel of St. John. The disciple at the centre of today's Gospel, Thomas was a deeply wounded man. When Christ his Master and friend was put to a horrible death, he was in deep pain and left the company of other disciples. Thus he missed the Risen Lord when he appeared to other disciples. He came to know about it and he was deeply hurt. First thing when Christ appeared was to show him his wounds. They were the proof of his love for his disciples. Then he invited Thomas to touch those wounds. Thus it was by touching and being touched that he was healed of his unbelief and his grief and pain. What Jesus told to Thomas is very relevant. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe".
World today is full of doubting Thomases. Many do not believe that Christ is risen and that we can have the experience of the risen Lord in our lives. They will not be convinced unless they can touch his wounds and see the radiance of his face. But this can happen only if the risen Lord is seen in his followers. For that we ourselves need to experience the presence of the Lord in our own lives.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Seventh Sunday of the Year : B


First Reading: Is. 43:18-19,21-22,24b-25
Second Reading: 2 Cor.1:18-22
Gospel Reading: Mk 2:1-12
* First Reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. The Prophet invites the people of Israel to a new begining from the Babylonian exile. Though such a renewal was extremely difficult for Israelites, due to their shattered and broken lives during exile, the prophet assures them that God is going to give them a fresh demonstration of his love and care. He will blot out all their past sins and he will forgive their sins.

* Second reading is from the second letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul exhorts the Corinthian community to remain loyal to the word of God that has been given to them. He declares himself to be a man of his word. Paul tells them that he represents Christ who is always faithful.

"Rise, take up your pallet and go home"

In the Gospel today we have the healing of a paralytic. After his tours of towns and villages, Jesus returned to Capernaum and was teaching in a house. Then something dramatic took place. Four men arrived there carrying their paralysed friend. Some of the people tell them that it is not possible to go near Jesus. The crowd did not allow them to get in. But these men were determined. They took the paralytic over the roof and they made an opening and lowered the paralytic at the feet of Jesus. Jesus seeing their faith and concern for their friend, immediately rewarded them. The paralytic is told by Jesus, "Your sins are forgiven; stand up , pick up your mat and go home".
The healing is both internal and external with these words of Jesus. Healing power of God flowed through the paralytic , freeing him of spiritual paralysis as well as bodily weakness. It is a moment of supreme grace. It is now recognised that many of our sins and wrongs do affect us mentally and physically . Hence forgiveness of sins is an essential part of any healing process. Jesus invites us today to experience his healing touch.