Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Seventh Sunday of the Year: C: February 23, 2025

 LOVE YOUR ENEMIES                               Jesus' call to a radical discipleship

First Reading: 1 Samuel 26: 2 and 7 to 9 and 12 to 13 and 22 to 23

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 45 to 49

Gospel Reading: Luke 6: 27 to 38

   *First reading is from the first book of Prophet Samuel. King Saul becomes jealous and angry with David. He seeks to kill David but does not succeed. One night David sneaks into Saul's camp while everyone is asleep. David has a golden opportunity to kill Saul and take revenge. But he does not do it because he does not want to kill a person anointed by the Lord God. We see the forgiving attitude of David in spite of the fact that king Saul is seeking to kill him.

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul compares Adam and Christ. To Adam we owe the life of earth. He was a man of dust. To Christ we owe the life of heaven. He is a man from heaven. 

Jesus' invitation to a radical discipleship                                                            Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. 'Treat others as you would like them to treat you.' These are the words of Jesus in the Gospel today. We know exactly how we like others to treat us. We like them to be forgiving, merciful, generous and loving towards us. Jesus throws some radical challenges to His disciples and all of us. He makes it absolutely clear that revenge and retaliation have no place in His kingdom. Jesus gives the following action plan for His disciples and followers: 1. Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. 2. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who abuse you. 3. Give to everyone who asks from you. 4. Do to others as you would wish them to do to you. 5. Do not judge and you will not be judged. 6. Forgive and you will be forgiven. 7. The measure you give will be the measure you get back. What a lot of sense the teaching of Christ makes, even on a purely human level! Revenge and retaliation only add darkness to darkness. Besides, when we hate our enemy we give him/her tremendous power over us. Further more, we use up an awful lot of energy in hating, energy that we should put into loving and caring. Hence every disciple of Jesus should have this attitude in all circumstances of life. If we follow these precepts of Jesus in our daily lives, the world would be a far better place to live in. By following these teachings of Jesus, we would become true sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father. Hence we see a reversal of values in the kingdom of God. Instead of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth as told in the Old Testament, Jesus tells us that when someone strikes you on the right cheek you should offer the other too. Jesus tells us, 'Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you.' In the case of Jesus, this is not only a question of words. He prayed for His executioners while dying. He healed the ear of the one who came to arrest Him, when Peter in a rage chopped the ear of that person. In this context Martin Luther King Jr. says: "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." Helder Camara once said: "To use violence without love is like trying to put out a fire with a blazing torch." May the Lord Jesus who forgives all those who persecute Him, insult Him and spread false narratives about Him, bless you and inspire you to forgive your enemies and do good to those who persecute you. Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/ Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, February 23, 2025." Thanks.)                        

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Sixth Sunday of the Year: C: February 16, 2025


First Reading: Jeremiah 17: 5 to 8

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 12 and 16 to 20

Gospel Reading: Luke 6: 17 and 20 to 26

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah speaks about two types of people: The first type are those who trust in humans. The second type are those who trust in the Lord God. He explains to us that the life of the one who trusts in humans is as precarious and uncertain as that of a shrub growing in the desert. However the life of the one who trusts in the Lord God is sure as that of a tree growing by the waterside. Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord God. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul emphatically affirms that Christ's resurrection is a symbol and a guarantee that all the faithful who died and who will die will be raised up by God as Jesus was raised from the dead. Hence, the resurrection of Jesus confirms our faith and reinforces our hope of a life after our earthly life. 

Blessings and woes (curses)                                                                                 Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. In the Gospel Jesus invites us to understand the meaning and the depth of true happiness in the Kingdom of God. In it we discover the values Christ held up before His disciples. He offers His disciples a whole new set of goals and values. These are the exact opposite of those coveted by the world. In the first part of today's Gospel Jesus enumerates various blessings for those who trust in the Lord. Fourfold blessings are mentioned: 1. Blessings for those who are poor. 2. Blessings for those who are hungry. 3. Blessings for those who weep. 4. Blessings for those who are hated and despised because they are followers of the Lord. In the second part of the Gospel, we have fourfold woes (curses): 1. Woe to those who are rich. 2. Woe to those who are full. 3. Woe to those who laugh. 4. Woe to those who are well spoken of by others. In these words Jesus expresses a revolutionary agenda for finding happiness and blessings and vice versa . They represent a complete and total reversal of worldly values and ideas. People in the world look for prosperity, comfort, fun and popularity. Jesus totally rejects all such ideas of happiness but He also attaches woes to them. The beatitudes in other words declare that happiness and blessings do not come from what we have but from what we are - God's chosen people who are precious in His sight. Happiness and blessings do not derive from what we achieve but from what we receive- God's gift of Himself. Through the beatitudes, Jesus gives us the secret  of finding happiness regardless of our state of life. Hence, through these blessings and woes Jesus is amply making clear the reversal of values in the Kingdom of God as opposed to those who follow the values of the world. The beatitudes graphically explain to us that a follower of Christ has to trust in God in all situations of life rather than trusting in worldly riches and possessions and power. In this context Catherine Doherty says: "The Beatitudes are terrifying when you try to live them." Blessed Marija Petkovic says: "If I had money I would trust in money, but without it I trust only in God." May the Lord Jesus bless you with the blessings He has promised to those who follow His teachings and live accordingly. Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, February 16, 2025." Thanks.)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Fifth Sunday of the Year: C: February 9, 2025


First Reading: Isaiah 6: 1 to 8

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 3 to 11

Gospel Reading: Luke 5: 1 to 11

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. The call of Isaiah to be a prophet of the Lord God is narrated. When the Lord God calls him to be a prophet, Isaiah is afraid and acknowledges his own unworthiness and limitations. However, the Lord God purifies him and appoints him to be a prophet. Isaiah readily responds to the call of the Lord God and accepts the mission entrusted to him. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul instructs the Christian community at Corinth regarding the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Historically, this affirmation of Paul is the earliest recorded confession of the early Church regarding the resurrection of the Lord. Further, Paul acknowledges his own unworthiness to be called an Apostle. He admits that he is the least of all the Apostles because he had persecuted the Church before his encounter with the risen Lord and subsequent conversion. 

The call of the first disciples of Jesus                                                           Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. Peter and his companions have a miraculous catch of a large number of fish when they put their  nets as instructed by the Lord even though they had a very disappointing night of fishing. Subsequently, Jesus dramatically calls His first disciples. Peter realizes that he is witnessing an extraordinary miracle - a divine intervention through the person of Jesus. This dramatic incident totally changes the lives of Peter and his companions. They are totally overwhelmed by the turn of events. Peter, James and John realize the nearness and the power of the divine. They fall on their knees just like men condemned to death, pleading for their lives. Jesus assures them: "Do not be afraid, now onwards you will be fishers of men." Then He asks them to follow Him. Responding to Jesus' invitation, they bring their boats ashore, leave everything they possessed, their friends and follow Him wholeheartedly. That day, they lose their livelihood but gain eternal life. In today's readings we meet three men who did many great things for God: Isaiah, Paul and Peter. All of them are unwilling to be touched by the presence and the demands of God. They accept the call of God very reluctantly and feel unworthy of such a call and its added responsibilities. Often we too are afraid and reluctant to be touched by the powerful presence of the divine. It is too dangerous because we are afraid to be caught by the divine, afraid to be sent by Him. Jesus, who dramatically and decisively invited the first disciples, is inviting each one of us to be a follower of the Lord. Although we feel unworthy and reluctant, we should not be afraid because the Lord promises to be with us. Trusting in the promises of the Lord, we should move forward in the face of opposition and numerous challenges. In this context, an ancient saying goes like this: "It is not good to be too near a King, except when you are called, and even such a call is a bad sign." Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard says: "Christ did not appoint professors but followers." The great theologian Dietrick Bonhoeffer says: "When Christ called a man, he bid him come and die." May the Lord Jesus who called His first disciples to follow Him bless you and inspire you to follow Him wholeheartedly. Amen.  

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, February 9, 2025")

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Fourth Sunday of the Year: C: February 2, 2025

 THE LIGHT TO THE NATIONS                                                                                   (The Presentation of the Lord)

First Reading: Malachi 3: 1 to 4

Second Reading: Hebrews 2: 11 to 18

Gospel Reading: Luke 2: 22 to 40

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Malachi. Malachi speaks of a day when suddenly the saviour of the world will come to his temple. He comes to live among his people and purify their hearts and make them dear to the Lord God. He will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. This prophecy of Malachi finds its fulfilment when Jesus is presented in the Jerusalem temple by His parents. 

   *Second reading is from the letter to Hebrews. It states that Jesus assumes human nature in order to make us free for God from the slavery of sin and death. He becomes like His brothers and sisters so that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God. 

'My eyes have seen your salvation'                                                                 Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. A detailed account of the happenings at Jerusalem temple when Jesus is presented there is given. First part of the Gospel narrates how Jesus is presented in the Jerusalem temple according to the law of Moses. Parents of Jesus bring Him to the Jerusalem temple in humble obedience to the Mosaic law in order to submit to the ritual purification and to present the child Jesus and to redeem the first born by sacrificing turtle doves. Hence there are three reasons for the presentation of Jesus in the temple. 1. To fulfill the law of Moses, which required the presentation of the first born son to the temple. 2. To complete Mary's ritual purification after child birth. 3. To dedicate infant Jesus to God the Father. The second part of the Gospel narrates the appearance of two venerable elderly God-fearing persons in the temple: Prophet Simeon and Prophetess Anna. Venerable Simeon takes the divine Child in his arms and gives praise and thanks to God and declares that this is the light which shall give revelation to the gentiles. (This idea finds its echo in today's liturgy of blessing of candles during the celebration). Then Prophetess Anna too appears in the temple and gives thanks to God and speaks of Child Jesus in glowing terms as the one who will bring redemption of Jerusalem. This feast of Presentation of the Lord should help us to recognize the presence of God when He appears in total humility and simplicity as observed and recognized by Prophet Simeon and Prophetess Anna. Through this feast of the Presentation of the Lord the Church teaches us that Mary and Joseph recognized Jesus as a gift, not a possession and presents Him to the heavenly Father in the Jerusalem temple. We too can recognize that our lives really belong to God. Through baptism we belong to Christ. The parents of Jesus show total humility in the scene of the presentation. In this context Kieran J. O'Mahony  says: "Behind the idea of presenting a child is the conviction that every new life comes from God and in some sense belongs to God." May the Lord Jesus who was presented in the Jerusalem temple in total humility and simplicity bless you and strengthen you to accept every situation in life in total humility and simplicity. Amen. 

 (Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, February 2, 2025". Thanks.)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Third Sunday of the Year: C: January 26, 2025


First Reading: Nehemiah 8: 2 to 6 and 8 to 10

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12 to 30

Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 1 to 4 and 4: 14 to 21

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Nehemiah. The happenings after the return of Jews from their exile in Babylon are narrated. The nation needs to be rebuilt. Ezra the priest takes up the task of re-establishing the Jewish religion and its customs. He reads the book of the law of Moses to the people of the Lord God. Then he makes them renew the Covenant with the Lord God.

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. Paul explains to the Christian community at Corinth how the human body is united and functions as a single unit. Though our body is made of many parts, all of them work together for the benefit of the whole body. Paul affirms that  it is so with the Church too. Though it is composed of many members coming from various cultures and different backgrounds and are empowered with various gifts, they form a single unit in Christ Jesus. He further stresses that each one of us must co-operate with other members, for each one is a necessary member of the body of Christ Jesus. 

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me                                                   Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. It has two parts. In the first part Luke gives a description about how and why he undertook the task of writing an account of the life and teachings of Jesus. In the second part, we have a narration about the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus. Jesus begins His public ministry in the synagogue at Nazareth. He opens the book of Prophet Isaiah and reads the passage relating to His future ministry: To preach the good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives, sight to the blind and liberty to the oppressed. Jesus then goes on to announce that this prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled on that very day. Hence, in the synagogue , Jesus makes the astonishing announcement that in Him the great prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled. He is the long-awaited saviour of the poor and the oppressed. Thus in the Gospel we have an announcement that God's promises are fulfilled in Jesus His beloved Son. The long-awaited Messiah, the Anointed one, has come. That Jesus is in fact the one promised by God through the prophets of old. This message of the Gospel first preached in Galilee has to find its fulfillment in and through us. Hence we need to do the following: 1. We need to acknowledge that the power of God is necessary for accomplishing this mission of Jesus. We have to realize that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and preached the good news and liberated people from the bondage of sin. 2. At baptism we too received the Holy Spirit. Again at confirmation we were anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God constantly empowers us to continue the mission of Jesus. Thus the Lord invites us to grow in faith and become effective witnesses to His good news. In this context Catherine Doherty says: "The Good News is God's love for us, and his one great commandment is to love." It is amply clear from today's Gospel what the Holy Spirit should do in us. The Spirit of God should enable us to do what Jesus did: Bring good news to the poor, liberate captives, give sight to the blind,  uplift the exploited and proclaim God's grace to everyone. May the Lord Jesus who preached the good news to the poor, proclaimed release to the captives, gave sight to the blind and liberty to the oppressed empower you and bless you to continue His mission in your daily lives. Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, January 26, 2025". Thanks.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Second Sunday of the Year: C: January 19, 2025


First Reading: Isaiah 62: 1-5

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11

Gospel Reading: John 2: 1-12

   *First reading is from the book of Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah promises the protection of the Lord God for the people of Israel. He assures them that they shall experience happiness and joy because the Lord God has taken delight in them. He says that like a bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall the Lord God rejoice over Israel. 

   *Second reading is from the first letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. Paul explains to the Christian community at Corinth that various gifts received by individual members have come from the same Spirit. They are to be used for the common good and for the well-being of the whole community. Gifts of healing, miracles, prophecy and the gift of tongues: All these are inspired by the same Spirit of the Lord so that the whole community may benefit from them. 

Jesus turns water into wine                                                                                          Today's Gospel reading is from St. John. The happenings at the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee is narrated in great detail. It is a typical wedding celebration of Palestine. During the festivities, everyone eats and drinks merrily. Unfortunately at half way stage of the celebrations, wine runs short and the organizers are in great distress and gloom. The bridegroom's family is faced with deep embarrassment and shame. Mother Mary comes to know about their predicament and she intercedes with Jesus to help them out in their dire need. Jesus initially shows some hesitation. Mary is so sure of her Son that she tells the event managers to do just as Jesus tells them to do. What results is a great miracle. Six stone jars full of water are turned into excellent wine and everyone continued to celebrate without a worry. This is the first miracle performed by Jesus during His public life. This miracle story gives us some very important and significant lessons. 1. If we want miracles to take place in our lives, we have to invite Jesus into our lives. 2. When in trouble, we must take our burdens to the Lord. Blaming each other for our failures and lapses is not a solution. 3. When Jesus inspires us in difficult situations, we must put our faith in the Lord and follow His promptings. 4. We should allow the grace of God to intervene in our lives even in the most hopeless situations. 5. Any miracle in our lives should be an occasion for rejoicing and should lead us to a deeper trust in the Lord. Finally, the miracle at Cana teaches us that in times of great distress and total confusion, we should not lose heart but rather turn to our Blessed Mother Mary to intercede for us. She will definitely come to our aid. Let us take our crisis times as challenges and opportunities because Jesus can truly turn 'water into wine' in our lives too. A thought for reflection: Jesus worked first of His miracles at Cana  turning water into wine. He continued to work many miracles all through His public life. Finally He worked the last of His miracles and the most important one at the last supper; turning mere matter- bread and wine - into His body and blood. May the Lord Jesus bless you and continue to work many miracles in your lives and strengthen you in times of distress and pain. Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph, January 19, 2025. Thanks.) 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Feast of the Baptism of Lord Jesus: January 12, 2025


First Reading : Isaiah 42: 1 to 4 and 6 to 7

Second Reading: Acts 10: 34 to 38 

Gospel Reading: Luke 3: 15 to 16 and 21 to 22

   *First reading is from the book of  Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah speaks about the servant of the Lord God, who will be instrumental in bringing justice and peace to the people of God. This prophecy of Isaiah finds its fulfilment in Jesus, the servant of God, who opens the eyes of the blind and liberates the oppressed people and those under the power of darkness. 

   *Second reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. St. Peter testifies to the people of Jerusalem that Jesus was sent by God to preach the good news of peace to the people in Galilee and in Judea. After being baptized by John the Baptist, He was anointed by the Holy Spirit to do the works of healing and to free those oppressed by the evil powers. 

Baptism by the Holy Spirit and with fire.                                                            Today's Gospel reading is from St. Luke. John the Baptist testifies to the mission of Jesus. The baptism of Jesus by John at the river Jordan is highlighted. When we read the Gospel story, we see what is happening to Jesus. Jesus has lined up like many others in front of John the Baptist. He steps inside the water when His turn comes. After a brief conversation with John, He receives baptism from John. After the baptism, Jesus steps outside the water like all the others. Then Luke reports: "Now when all the people had been baptized, and while Jesus after His own baptism is at prayer, heaven opens and Holy Spirit comes down." A voice from heaven proclaims: "Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Hence, the voice from heaven affirms that Jesus is the Son sent by God the Father who always does what is pleasing to the heavenly Father. Gospel also says that the Spirit descends on Jesus in the bodily shape of a dove. The presence of the Spirit is visible just as that Spirit would be visible in all that Jesus says and does. The baptism of Jesus gives us the following messages: 1. Jesus identifies Himself with the sinful humanity although He is sinless. 2. Jesus totally submits Himself to the will of the heavenly Father. 3. God the Father approves the ministry of Jesus by empowering Him with the power of the Holy Spirit. Our baptism is very much related to the baptism of Jesus. For us, baptism is a door and as we go through this door, our lives are never the same. Most of us were baptized when we were infants and did not really understand the depth, the meaning and its significance at the time of our baptism. By our baptism, we become members of God's community. Hence, by baptism we are choosing a life like that of Jesus. Like Jesus, by our baptism, we too become sons and daughters of the heavenly Father. At baptism, we too are anointed by the Holy Spirit. As Jesus was baptized to fulfil the will of God, we too are invited to do the same by living our baptismal promises. Those promises should be the guiding principles for the rest of our lives. St. Paul in his letter to Galatians says: "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." (Galatians 3:27) May the heavenly Father bless you and announce that, "This is my beloved son/ beloved daughter in whom, I am well pleased." Amen. 

(Kindly note: Sunday Reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph is available on YouTube. Please view, like, share and subscribe to the video version on YouTube. "YouTube/Sunday reflections with Fr. Joy Joseph January12, 2025. Thanks.)